Overpass API User's Manual

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List represented sets

Tools to make sense of tags representing multiple values. This evolved in OpenStreetMap into representation as comma separated lists.

Multiple values

In some cases it is necessary in OpenStreetMap to record on an object for a single key multiple different values. An example are multi-storey structures: Even if each element viewed alone resides usually on a single level, stairs and elevators have as purpose to connect multiple levels. Thus, they occupy space in two or more different levels.

A similar need pops up when the operator of a street has assigned to a section multiple road numbers. Multiple house numbers on a building or site exist as well:

out center;

The de facto standard for multiple values for the same key is that the values are all written down in the value and separated by semicolons. This is a problem for multiple reasons:

First of all, a semicolon is a valid character within the value such that a value that incidentally contains a semicolon gets forcibly split if treated with an always splitting software. This may happen inside or outside OpenStreetMap: The semicolon is an established separator in popular formats like CSV as well.

Next, it must be reconstructed from the context whether the order of the elements matters. Examples like the values -2;-1 and -1;-2 for the tag with key level suggest that the answer is no. By contrast, for keys for sea marks or trail markers, values like red;white;blue do differ in meaning from values like blue;red;white.

To store the order creates effort: even for 15 items one only needs 2 bytes to indicate presence or absence for each but 5 bytes to store a specific order.

Other questions occur in addition:

I have set conventions valid for the Overpass API that I expect to meet the contemporary usage the best possible:

All values of tags are treated as atomic and semicolons have no special meaning, unless a semicolon aware function is applied on the value. Such functions may or may not ignore leading and trailing whitespace in each chunk. If the resulting list contains only numbers, then the functions may treat number of equal value as identical and may order by numerical value.

In the following sections we introduce the functions with the help of typical examples:

Some of the features for analyzing the data also create semicolon separated lists. This and how to handle those is explained there.

Searching for a Single Value

We pursuit to find all stairs that touch level -2 in one of the most important tube stations of London (Bank and Monument). The search for only the value does not find anything:

out center;

The idea to use a regular expression comes to mind. But this is at best substantially unwieldy and is not elaborated on here. Please note that such a regular expression is prone to match values like -2.3 or -2.7; and these values exist here in the data.

Instead, exactly the objects that have the value -2 directly or indirectly in a semicolon list are selected by the semicolon aware function lrs_in:

out center;

Objects with values like -2;-1 or -3;-2 are found by the request as well as the value -2 alone.

In particular: Lines 1 and 2 together form a query statement with in total three filters. We discuss only the filter (if:lrs_in("-2",t["level"])) here. The shell (if:...) is the generic filter that evaluates for each object the evaluator supplied as argument. The filter selects exactly the objects for which the evaluator computes something different from 0, false or the empty value. We screen the objects with the evaluator lrs_in("-2",t["level"]). It has two arguments:

Thus, this encodes the instruction: Request all ways (way) within the bounding box (({{bbox}})) with value steps for the key highway that contain in the value for the key level interpreted as a semicolon separated list the value -2.

All semicolon aware functions start with the prefix lrs_; it stands for list represented sets.

Please note that the filter (if:...) is a so called weak filter and cannot be used as a standalone filter because then worldwidely all objects would have to be screened whether they might match. The following attempt to query worldwide results in an error message:

out center;

For almost all use cases this is not a problem, because another constraint manifests anyway as a strong filter, e.g. the bounding box. For most of the other cases, the additional filter [level] for the presence of the key only can serve as a strong filter. Specifically for level, this approach does not make sense because due to the large number of matching objects, a lot of objects need to be inspected. Finally, the amount of data is a challenge for the browser:

out center;

By contrast, for other tags this can be an appropriate solution.

The filter [level] used here for the first time is elaborated on in the following section.

If we conversely want to hide all stairs that end on level -2 then we can request a logical negation: by placing a shrek ! in front of the evaluator:

out center;

Please reflect whether you want to select stairs that have no key stairs set at all. Only stairs with level:

out center;

Searching for Multiple Values

We search London for a restaurant with regionally typical cuisine. It is unclear whether we shall query for british, english, or regional.

We could do so with an union statement collecting queries for all possible values:

out center;

But this quickly gets large, both for a bigger number of values as well as for other applications of a combination by or.

We rather use the semicolon aware function lrs_isect (isect stems from intersection); it picks the common values of two semicolon separated lists:

out center;

The filter (if:lrs_isect(t["cuisine"],"english;british;regional") in line 2 deserves the attention: The generic filter (if:...) again evaluates for each object whether a value different from 0, false, and the empty values results from evaluating. The supplied evaluator lrs_isect(t["cuisine"],"english;british;regional") has two arguments. It interprets both as lists (a value without a semicolon is a list with the value as the only one entry). It returns the entries that occur in both lists, i.e. it returns a nonempty value if and only if one of the values english, british, or regional is contained in the list for the tag with key cuisine.

This becomes a complete request by combining it with filters for the visible bounding box and general filter for the key cuisine. Line 3 contains the print statement.

The function lrs_isect can be logically negated as well to obtain boolean true exactly if lrs_isect delivers an empty list.

We let enumerate here all occurring values for the purpose of illustration:

[out:csv(cuisine, isect, negated)];
for (t["cuisine"])
  make info cuisine=_.val,

The details of the syntax are explained in the chapter Analyzing Data. The column cuisine contains each value of the tag cuisine. The column isect contains what lrs_isect(_.val,"english;british;regional") computes from this value. For non-empty values you need to scroll a bit, but they appear beginning from the values containing british on. The column negated contains what the negation operator ! converts the value of isect to. The empty entry is inverted to 1, and any filled entry here is inverted to 0.

All Values


next: Further Search Criteria