Overpass API User's Manual

Installation of an Own Instance

How can I set up my own instance of the Overpass API to be able to execute an arbitrary number of requests?

// Mention: wiki, blog This installation guide assumes that

You might want to look into alternative installation guides if either not both are true or you are just curious. I've recommended two especially helpful ones in this blog post.

There is also an Installation Guide on the OpenStreetMap wiki, although it has rather the character of troubleshooting. Beware that many parts there might be outdated.

To complete cross-references, the Overpass API also can be installed with Docker containers.

The essential three steps are:

  1. install the software
  2. import OpenStreetMap data
  3. configure the service and the web server

The steps 1 and 2 should be distinct steps because the amount of payload data is so big that the most users will want to align their apporach on that.

There is also an extra page to explain how the components work together. This shall make it easier for you to write your own control scripts.

Install the software

Please ensure that the GNU autotools, a C++ compiler, the auxiliary program wget and the libraries expat, zlib, and lz4 are installed. The versions of the programs do not matter. The Overpass API only uses their version-independent core functionality.

For e.g. Ubuntu you can ensure as follows that all required programs are installed:

sudo apt-get install wget g++ make expat libexpat1-dev zlib1g-dev \

Please download for the Overpass API the latest release, called osm-3s_latest.tar.gz. Older releases also do work but due to the backward compatibility there will be next to never a reason to use an old release. The installation and maintenance of the software has improved over time, and older versions often will need special attention.

Unpack the downloaded gzip file and change into the created directory.

Then compile on the command line with

./configure --enable-lz4
chmod 755 bin/*.sh cgi-bin/*

The command in the third line constitutes the installation. The rationale for enabling the build directory instead of installing to the system path is to avoid needing root permissions.

Usually, a linux software would now be installed by the sequence configure . make - make install. This final step copies the executable files into the standard program directory and sets their executable flag. Unfortunately only user root has the necessary permissions to copy to there. Thus we leave the executables where they have been compiled and turn them executable by using chmod.

The executables can freely be moved around in the file system, but some executables expect some of the other executables in the same directory than themselves or in ../bin. For this reason it is highly recommended to only move the directories bin and cgi-bin in their entirety and only together.

Load the data

You can skip this step and create your own database if you want to use a local extract instead.

In contrast to the comparably little size of the software installation, the OpenStreetMap data is big. All data worldwide need also with only the geodata and only the current one already 350 GB to 400 GB (as of 2023). Together with all the attic data 800 GB to 1 TB are needed.

The data can be copied from a public accessible, daily updated snapshot of the database. This action is called cloning:

mkdir -p db
bin/download_clone.sh --db-dir="db/" --meta=no \

Here, meta controls the level of detail and thus the amount of data: With the value no, it remains with the factual data, meta additionally loads the metadata of the editors and attic loads both metadata and all now outdated data.

The transferred data is only 50% to 70% of the above mentioned amount, because some temporary data for transaction insulation and the cache of areas does not need to be transferred.

The factual data are not critical in terms of privacy. The metadata and/or outdated data records, on the other hand, you may only load, if you have a legitimate interest.

After successful cloning, you can already make queries via

bin/osm3s_query --db-dir="db/"

by passing the request on the standard input.

Create an Own Database

You can skip this step if you have just cloned the global data.

If you only want to work with a local extract of the OpenStreetMap data, then you can also create a database yourself from an extract in OSM XML format.

These extracts are usually compressed. However, you can decompress and import the data in one step. In the following command, replace $OSM_XML_FILE with the name of the downloaded file, $EXEC_DIR by the directory into which you compiled, and $DB_DIR by the directory in which the data is to be stored.

Usually you can omit $META. If you have a legitimate interest that outweighs the privacy of OSM users, you can use --meta to load the metadata or --keep-attic to additionally load the old datasets.

For a BZ2-compressed file:

bunzip2 <$OSM_XML_FILE \
    | $EXEC_DIR/bin/update_database --db-dir="$DB_DIR/" $META

For a Gzip-compressed file:

gunzip <$OSM_XML_FILE \
    | $EXEC_DIR/bin/update_database --db-dir="$DB_DIR/" $META

The execution of this command can take a very long time. Depending on the size of the file, the runtime can range from minutes to 24 hours.

After a successful import, you can already make queries via

bin/osm3s_query --db-dir="db/"

by passing the request on the standard input.

Configure the Service

To apply updates, you need three permanently running processes.

The script fetch_osc.sh downloads the updates every minute, as soon as they become available; they are stored in a designated directory. The script apply_osc_to_db.sh applies the files found in this directory to the database.

An alternative to these both is the single script fetch_osc_and_apply.sh. This script both fetches minute updates, immediately applies them, and removes the downloaded minute diffs afterwards.

The first instance of the daemon dispatcher takes care that the writing and reading processes don't get in each other's way - otherwise a process could want to read data that has already been changed to a later status by an update. Reading and writing processes communicate with dispatcher via two special files; a shared memory with a fixed name helps the processes to find the dispatcher, the socket in the data directory is used for communication.

With the following commands, the required processes can be started permanently. The label $DB_DIR must be replaced by the name of the data directory.

Variant that only applies then discards the downloaded minute diffs:

nohup bin/dispatcher --osm-base --db-dir="$DB_DIR/" --allow-duplicate-queries=yes &
chmod 666 "$DB_DIR"/osm3s_osm_base
nohup bin/fetch_osc_and_apply.sh "https://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/minute/" &

Variant that retains the downloaded minute diffs. Here $DIFF_DIR must be replaced by the directory to store the diffs in:

nohup bin/dispatcher --osm-base --db-dir="$DB_DIR/" --allow-duplicate-queries=yes &
chmod 666 "$DB_DIR"/osm3s_osm_base
nohup bin/fetch_osc.sh auto \
    "https://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/minute/" \
    "$DIFF_DIR/" &
nohup bin/apply_osc_to_db.sh "$DIFF_DIR/" auto --meta=yes &

You should now be able to execute queries with


by passing the query on standard input.

Catching-up may take some time. On a magnetic hard disk, a speedup of 6 to real time is quite usual. So if you have downloaded a two days old clone, which is a usual delay, then catching up may take up to 12 hours. SSDs tend to be a lot faster.

The next step is to enable areas. Areas are not a native data type of OpenStreetMap, thus its entire implementation in Overpass API is a huge workaround.

While there is effort to integrate areas into the main workflow, for the moment being areas require to build some extra data structures.

It is necessary to run a second instance of the dispatcher and to run a script that periodically updates the area cache:

cp -pR rules "$DB_DIR/"
nohup bin/dispatcher --areas --db-dir="$DB_DIR/" --allow-duplicate-queries=yes &
chmod 666 "$DB_DIR"/osm3s_areas
nohup bin/rules_delta_loop.sh "$DB_DIR" &

See below for more details.

Configure the Web Server

The database can be accessed via the web, by accessing it from a web server via the Common Gateway Interface (CGI).

There are many different web servers; the public instances are currently run with Apache, but there have also been successful versions with Nginx over the years. We will explain a configuration with Apache here as an example.

The Common Gateway Interface must first be enabled in Apache, by linking the module cgi.load in the subdirectory mods-enabled to its counterpart in the subdirectory mods-available.

Then, in the corresponding VirtualHost, usually in the directory sites-enabled, the CGI directory must be declared. For the public instances with Apache 2.4, this is done by the following block; $ABSPATH_TO_EXEC_DIR must be replaced by the absolute path to the target directory:

ScriptAlias /api/ "$ABSPATH_TO_EXEC_DIR"
<Directory "$ABSPATH_TO_EXEC_DIR">
    AllowOverride None
    Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    Require all granted

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