Overpass API User's Manual

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The public instances await your queries. They offer as much resources as possible, but they also defend themselves against overuse. Heavy users easily can set up their own instance.


The mission of the public instances is to be available to as many users as possible. The computational power currently has to be shared between the roundabout 30'000 daily users.

The typical request has a run time of less than 1 second, but there are also requests than run for much longer. Each of the Overpass API servers can fulfill about 1 million requests per day, and two servers listen on the address overpass-api.de.

It is extremely unlikely that you will ever cause problems with manually put requests. Unfortunately, you may still run into load shedding - the quota algorithm is not perfect.

Examples of problematic behaviour:

  1. Tens of thousands of times a day sending the same request (from the same address)
  2. Asking for individual OSM elements one by one millions of times.
  3. Stiching bounding boxes to scrape the full data of the complete world.
  4. Setting up an app for more than just OSM mappers and relying on the public instances as backend.

In the first case, the querying script needs to be fixed. In the cases 2 and 3, one better ought use a planet dump instead of the Overpass API. In the last cast, only running your own instance sustainably serves your mission. Setting up your own instance is subject of a dedicated section.

Most users send only a few requests. For fairness reasons, the first few requests of users are given priority over frequent requests by heavy users. Load shedding will therefore start with heavy users first.

As a broad guideline to stay within safety margins, users are expected to send a maximum of about 10000 requests per day and keep their download volume below about 1 GB per day.

Amongst the expressed goals of the Overpass API project is to make running your own instance really simple. If you expect a higher demand than the above sketched usage limits, then please read the installation instructions.

If you are rather interested in the rules of the automatic load shedding then please read the following section.


The automatic load shedding keeps track which (anonymized) user puts which request and assures that moderate users still can access the service if the total volume of requests exceeds server capacity.

As the public instance there are currently two distinct servers that both can be reached by overpass-api.de. Usually you should not try to connect to one of the two explicitly. The only exception is as a workaround if the other instance is broken in a way such that DNS round robin would not help. The current individual server names are gall.openstreetmap.de and lambert.openstreetmap.de. These servers both maintain their rate limiting independently from each other.

We start with the explanation of and with the help of the status request.

Rate Limit

Requests usually are assigned by taking the IP address as the user. If a user key is in the request, then it overrides the IP address. For IPv4 addresses, the full address is evaluated. For IPv6 addresses, currently the upper 64 bits of the IP address are evaluated. Since it is still unclear which customs with address blocks become usual, I may decide to take fewer leading bits into account in the future. The user number calculated by the server is always in the first line of the status request behind Connected as:.

Every execution of a request occupies one of the slots available to the user, in particular for the full actual execution time plus a cool down time. The purpose of the cool down time is to give other users a chance to pose a request. The cool down time grows with the load of the server and proportionate to the execution time. During moments of low load the cool down time is just a fraction of the execution time, during moments of high load the cool down time can be a multiple of the execution time.

A slippy map causes many short running requests in a short time. To ensure that a user gets served all these requests there are two mechanisms of goodwill:

An example: if such a slippy map submits 20 requests of 1 second run time, and if the number of slots is 2 and the ratio of run time to cool down time is 1-by-1, then

If the user still needs the content of the requests 17 to 20 (and not has already panned to a different place) then the client framework shall resubmit the requests after the 15 seconds. There is a reference implementation in the section about OpenLayers and Leaflet.

The reason for this mechanism is scripts in an inifinite loop: many of them submit multiple requests in parallel and are delayed by that mechanism in a meaningful way, because they get responses including refusals appropriately delayed.

If runaway or long running requests in the order of many minutes have occupied a slot, then the status response indicates from line 6 on which slot is going to be available again at which time.

Requests that are denied due to the rate limit are answered with the HTTP status code 429.

Timeout and Maxsize

Independent of the rate limit, there is a second mechanism. This mechanism prioritizes small requests over large requests, to ensure that many users with small requests can still be served if the demand of the largest users would already exceed the capacity of the server.

There are two criteria for this, per run time and per maximum used RAM. Each request contains a declaration of its expected maximum run time and expected maximum memory usage. The declaration of maximum run time can be made explicit by prepending the request with a [timeout:...]; the declaration of maximum memory usage can be made explicit by prepending the request with a [maxsize:...]. Both can be combined.

If no maximum run time is declared then a default limit of 180 seconds applies. For the maximum memory usage, the default value is 512 MiB.

If a request exceeds during execution its maximum run time or maximum memory limit, then it is aborted by the server. This example stops after 3 seconds:

out center;

The same example with more run time passes:

out center;

Back to the quotas: The server admits a request if and only if it is going to use in both criteria at most half of the remaining available resources. For the maximum accepted memory usage the value is currently 12 GiB. If at the moment 8 requests with 512 MiB limit each are running, then 4 GiB are used. A further request is going to be admitted if and only if it promises to use at most 4 GiB. With this ninth request coming in addition, there are still 4 GiB available, and then a further request is only up to a promised size of 2 GiB accepted.

For the maximum run time the system behaves accordingly: the currently common server limit is 262144 seconds. This means that one request with a maximum run time of up to 1 day is accepted almost always, but then every further request with such a long run time would be declined. The rate limit mechanism with an accordingly long cool down time ensures that not always the same user can profit from an extremely long run time.

Like with the rate limit, the server does not immediately deny requests, but waits for 15 seconds whether in the meantime sufficiently many other requests have been finished.

The load from the server's perspective is made public by Munin, here and here.

Requests that have been denied due to this resource mismatch are answered with an HTTP status code 504.

next: Downstream Tools